June 2019 Update

I had every intention of doing this update before July got here. I even started it a week before June was over and could not bring my self to compete it. Every time I started, I felt like I was off. I felt like I was missing something. I am not sure what, but I do want to post an update and I hope that I will do better in the month of July.

June was an okay month. Looking back, I am glad that I did not give myself the stress of trying to compete a reading goal. I am slowly getting better and I am getting help for my anxiety. As it stands I did read two books last month. I was able to finish Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and Whose Boat is This Boat? Comments That Don’t Help in the Aftermath of a Hurricane by Donald Trump and the staff of the Late Night Show with Stephen Colbert.

I gave Will Grayson, Will Grayson five out of five stars on Goodreads. I found the book really funny and I probably would have finished it, had in not had that heavy depression and anxiety spell. I will not that it might be a trigger warning for those who struggle with depression, since one of the characters does struggle really badly with mental illness. However, it is a great book to read for pride.

As for Whose Boat is This Boat? Comments That Don’t Help in the Aftermath of a Hurricane I gave it four out of five stars on Goodreads. I will admit that I was curious as to how the president could “accidentally” write a book, but reading his comments made the whole situation a bit scary. I would have to agree with some of the other reviews, the book does just end I an anticlimactic way. I did want to know how the people responded to his lack of help, but I feel that was the purpose of the book. It is to show how our current president goes around claiming to “help” us, to only go around pointing the finger and creating blame on an event that no one was responsible for.

In other news, I am hoping that I will be able to finish A Curse so Dark and Lonely before the Reading Rush read-a-thon starts at the end of this month. I am planning on participating, but I am not sure how it will work. I am looking into reading a lot of shorter books and graphic novels for that week. I will admit that the book is good, and I do love the story and the characters, however it is taking a toll on me. I want to finish the book, but at the same time I also want to enjoy the story. I guess that I expected to be done with the book by now, and having a hundred pages left is making me sad. It is also making me feel like I will not be able to finish my other summer reading challenge from Goodreads.

I do want to know if you will be participating in the Reading Rush. If so, come be my friend on the website. I have yet to make a TBR list for the read-a-thon. If you have any suggestions for books, especially light fluffy middle grades, let me know. I am looking forwards to be seeing everyone’s response.

Until next time,

Super Bookworm.

2015 Reading Challenge

I originally found this challenge on Facebook and few months ago and decided that I wanted to participate in it. It is a year-long challenge that would force me to read books out of my comfort level. I thought it would be really cool and fun. Recently I found the original Goodreads group that set up the challenge and all the mini challenges to read throughout the year. I found out that there are a lot more challenges that what was posted on Facebook. With this new list, I have taken all the books that I have read this year and placed them in each category. I have doubled up on books because a lot of challenges allow you to do that. My goal for the rest of the year is to make updates on this challenge periodically.

  1. a book with more than 500 pages
  • The Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
  1. a romance
  2. a book that became a movie
  • Harry Potter Series by J. K. Rowling
  1. a book published this year
  • The Crown of Ptolemy by Rick Riordan
  1. a book with a number in the title
  1. a book written by someone under 30
  2. a book with nonhuman characters
  • Rat Queens Vol. 1 & 2
  1. a funny book
  • The Crown of Ptolemy by Rick Riordan
  1. a book by a female author
  • Adventures of Funeral Crashing #1 by Milda Harris
  • Harry Potter Series by J. K. Rowling
  • Magic Tree House Series by Mary Pope Osborne
  • How to Steal a Dog by Barbara O’Connor
  1. a mystery or thriller
  1. a book with a one-word title
  1. a book of short stories
  1. a book set in a different country
  1. a nonfiction book
  2. a popular author’s first book
  1. a book from your favorite author that you haven’t read yet
  2. a book a friend recommended
  3. a Pulitzer-prize winning book
  4. a book based on a true story
  5. a book at the bottom of your to-read list
  • Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
  1. a book your mom loves
  2. a book that scares you
  3. a book more than 100 years old
  1. a book based entirely on its cover
  1. a book you were supposed to read in school but didn’t
  2. a memoir
  3. a book you can finish in a day
  • Ms. Marvel Vol. 1
  • Ms. Marvel Vol. 2
  • Rat Queens Vol. 1
  • Rat Queens Vol. 2
  • Smile
  • Anya’s Ghost
  1. a book with antonyms in the title
  2. a book set somewhere you’ve always wanted to visit
  1. a book that came out the year you were born
  2. a book with bad reviews
  3. a trilogy (the first)
  1. a trilogy (the second)
  1. a trilogy (the third)
  1. a book from your childhood
  1. a book with a love triangle
  1. a book set in the future
  1. a book set in high school
  1. a book with a color in the title
  1. a book that made/makes you cry
  2. a book with magic
  1. a graphic novel
  1. a book by an author you’ve never read before
  • Ophelia and the Marvelous Boy by Karen Foxlee
  1. a book you own but have never read
  2. a book that takes place in your hometown
  3. a book that was originally written in another language
  1. a book set during Christmas (or similar holiday)
  2. a book written by an author with your same initials
  3. a play
  4. a banned book
  5. a book based on OR turned into a tv show
  6. 52. a book you started but never finished
So far that is what I have completed for the 2015 reading challenge. I am planning on giving you an update for this challenge either the end of August or the end of September. I am not doing the challenges in order like everyone else since I started so late. I do hope that you will enjoy seeing my progress. See you next time. Happy Reading!

The Character Book Tag

It is time for another tag post! This one, as you can tell by its title, is about the characters we have read and love(or hate). I saw it on Regan’s channel PurseProject and thought this would be fun. So let’s begin.

The Questions:
1. Who is the best kick-ass character?

Celaena Sardothien from Throne of Glass. She is an assassin as well as a girly girl, who owns who it. I love how proud she is of herself, as well as being both physically and mentally strong. She is not afraid to ask questions and prefers doing what is right.
2. Which character do you most dislike?

Oh…. Where do I begin? I somehow have a list of characters that I dislike, and amazingly they are all pretty high up there on the dislike list. Let me just list some of those characters for you.

a)Professor Umbridge from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Not only do I hate this character, but this is a shared hatred with millions of other people both real and fictional. You know it is big when you have characters help another hated and despised character do harm onto this one.

b)Dr. Caldwell from The Girl With All The Gifts.  I said it before, and I will say it again, I don’t see how this person could be the world’s most smartest mind with all the stupid choices she has made throughout the book.

c) Daisy Crispin from Perfectly Dateless. She is the main character of this book, and the main reason why I gave this book such a low rating. She started off with so much potential and strength and lost it all in the end.

d) The King of Adarlan (Don’t Know his name) from Throne of Glass. Let us just call him the king that must die. He is so desperate for power that he is willing to kill off his own subjects and children to gain more power. In addition, this guy makes rules and purposely breaks his own rules. What kind of a leader is he?
3. If you could date any fictional character who would it be and why?

James “Jem” Carstairs from The Clockwork Angel. Jem is very sweet and gentle and was welcoming to Theresa.
4. If you could change a character in any way what would it be?

Aaron Tyler from Trouble. The one thing that I would love to change would be his courage to tell his best friend what really happened that afternoon when everything went down. I would also love it if Aaron realizes that the situation was not his fault.
5. What character to you made all the wrong choices that didn’t add anything to the book?

Aouda from Around the World in 80 Days. The chick did nothing in the book for the exception of being rescued and saying yes to Mr. Fogg’s proposal. The most useless character in all of history.
6. Which character was the best villain whom you love to hate?

Lilith from the Circle Trilogy. If the lady wasn’t just plain evil, have a desire to suck my blood, or just place me as her lowly servant, I would label her as a kick-ass character. She is really good at planning, fighting, and standing up to what she believes in. In addition, she is really good at caring about others in her own way. It is a little sad that she seems a little psychotic.
7. A favorite side-kick character with the most heart?

Brynn from the 80AD series. I love this character! What makes him a great sidekick is the fact that he is not perfect. He is a thief, he tends to lie and cheat, but he is lovable and hilarious. His sense of humor and heart makes him a great pair with Pheniox.
8. What is your favorite fictional romantic relationship?

Jack and Hazel from The Darkest Part of the Forest. I loved the relationship that these two have, and how they bonded over time.
9. What character did you think was the strongest?

Liz Taylor from Just Like Elizabeth Taylor. This girl is not strong physically but has strength in courage. For her to admit a situation and just leave is huge. On top of that, she helps other as well as keeping her best friend safe. It took a lot of courage for her to change her environment.
10. Best protagonist?

Picking your favorite main character is like picking your favorite book. I do not have a favorite main character. However to pick one, I would choose Annabeth Chase from Percy Jackson and the Olympians, The Heroes of Olympus, and The Percy Jackson and Kane Chronicles Crossover. I love how smart she, and isn’t afraid of danger. She gets in there and tries to fix a problem.

I do hope that you have enjoyed this tag. This tag was a bit harder to do, but I enjoyed the challenge. See you next time and happy reading!

A Trouble(d) Review

Okay, I know… The title is a little corny, but I thought it was cute at the same time. So let’s move onto the review.

Trouble, by Non Pratt, is about two teenagers who become friends after an unlikely time. Hannah, is pregnant and had lost her best friend, while Aaron is the new boy at school. Both needs a friend and confine in each other. During Hannah’s pregnancy, Aaron pretends to be the father of the baby to protect Hannah from others who are making fun of her at school.

I did enjoy the book. It was a very interesting and different take on teenage pregnancy. I did enjoy both story lines, and was interested into what happened in the past, present and future for our two characters. The storyline is the main reason why it has the rating that the book has. Non Pratt had many twists that I did not see coming, such as the real father of the baby.  The other thing that I liked about the book was the development of our main characters. I do believe that Aaron made bigger strides and developed more throughout the book. Hannah did have some development, but not as much as I felt she should have throughout the nine months.

However, there are three things that I am not happy about for the text. The first one was the characters. I must admit that I did enjoy the growth of the main characters, however, I also did not care about the characters as much as I felt I should. There were moments in the book in which I could have cared less about a certain activity or event for the character. The whole point of the story is to get close to these characters and to relate to them on some level. In some moments I just felt that one character was being to shallow, or just being too whiny. On top of that, the reactions of the parents went from typical to extreme throughout the book. In some extreme cases, I would love to be in the parents mind to understand their choices. The other problem that I had with the text was the slow beginning. You were about 100 pages in when Hannah found out that she is pregnant and 200 pages in when Aaron and Hannah made the deal. Finally, I did not enjoy the ending as much as I thought I would. I wish that we had some time period after the baby was born to see how Aaron and Hannah adjusted to their new life as parents. I believe that it would not only developed our characters better, but also helped us create a better relationship with our characters.

When I started reading this book, this book was a solid three out of five. It all changed when we were half way through the book, in which the rating changed to four stars and stayed there until the end of the book. Even now I would give the book four out of five stars on Goodreads. The book was well written, and I enjoyed the twists that I did not expect.

As for recommending the book… I would recommend the book to most people. I do feel as though not everyone would enjoy the book as much. If you are into contemporary, realist romance fiction, than this book is for you!

I do hope that you are enjoying your weekend. Happy Reading!

Cramathon TBR 2015

On July 6, I made a post about the Cram-a-thon. I wanted to use this read-a-thon to help me get ready for book-tube-a-thon, later on this month. Today, I wanted to make a TBR about the books that I am planning on reading over this weekend. So let’s begin.

Just as a reminder, I will list the challenges as well as the books below.

1. Read a children’s book

I have a slew of children’s books that I borrowed from the library that I need to pick up and just read. For the sake of just placing a book down, I will choose Once Upon A Banana by Jenifer Armstrong.
2. Read a hardback

I know that this book is big, and big books are not traditionally chosen for this cram-a-thon, but I would like to read Trouble by Non Pratt. The book is almost 400 pages long, and I am hoping to get through it this weekend.
3. Read a graphic novel

I have two graphic novels that I would like to read this weekend. The frist one is Ms. Marvel Vol. 1 Generation Why by G. Willow Willson and Rat Queens Vol. 1 Sass & Sorcery by Kurtis J. Wiebe.
4. Read a novella

I have decided to read the book Around the World in 80 Days Jules Vern. This book is only 167 pages long.
5. Read a book written in verse

The book I decided to read for this challenge is Oh the Places You’ll Go by Dr. Seuss. The whole book is about a poem of life.
6. Read 2 books in 24 hours
7. Read 5 books total

Last two challenges I will let you know when I have completed them. I am looking forward to this cram-a-thon. I hope that you will be joining me in all our little adventures. Happy reading!

July TBR 2015

I have decided to keep my TBR a little short this time since we have Book-tube-a-thon later on this month. I am only putting books that I have not finished reading, as well as books that I need to finish a review or return back to the library.

1. The Girl With All the Gifts by M.R Carry
2. Trouble by Non Pratt
3. Dream a Little Dream by Kerstin Geiser
4. Numbers Game by Rebecca Rhodes
5. Compendium by Alia Lurai
6. Around the World in 80 Days by Jules Vern
7. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J. K. Rowling

For this month TBR challenge, I pulled “To read a classic.” However, classic literature is a very vague term that has different meanings to each person. For me, it is a good popular book that will not lose its value over time. The difference between classic and modern classic is whether or not the author is dead. For this challenge, I decided to pick two books. One is label as a classic and one is considered as a modern classic. For this challenge, I have chosen Around the World in 80 Days by Jules Vern and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K Rowling.

I do hope that your summer is fun and exciting. Hope to see you next time. Happy reading!