Halloween Book Tag

Thanks to the wonderful internet, I was able to find this gem of a tag right before Halloween. I had all plans on finishing this post sooner, but trick-or-treater were comming to the door and I needed to see everyone’s costume. So without futher ado, let us begin.

1. Carving pumpkins- what book would you carve up and light on fire?

I have a feeling that this is becoming my go-to book on anything about what I hate. Sadly it is because I had such high hopes and expectations and to be disappointed so badly at the end was beyond frustrating.  The only thing that I would need would be a physical copy of the book so that I could carve it up and light it on fire. That book is Perfectly Dateless.

2. Trick or treat- what character is a treat, what character is a trick?

Even though I am choosing this character as a treat, in his own right he is also a trick. However, I just love this character to bits, and comic relief is always perfectly times. The character that I am choosing as a treat is Brain from the 80AD series. This 10-year-old thief, can win everyone’s heart, and his smarts and wit can outshine every bad situation.

For my trick, I am going to go with Julian from Wonder and Wonder and Me. He was the most heartless annoying kid to ever exist in real life.

3. Candy corn- what book is always sweet?

Originally, I almost copped out and choose Harry Potter, but then I got to thinking and realize that I have several books that I love and enjoy. One of them being the 80AD series. However,m the biggest book that I find sweet is Thank You, Mr. Falker by Patrica Polacco. That book always makes me tear up at the end, and I just love sharing it with students of all ages.

4. Ghosts- what character would you love to visit you as a ghost?

I am not sure who I would want to visit me as a ghost. I have a list of people that are good potential, but the more that I think about it the more I realize that I do not want to be visited. I am not in the mood for some otherworldly visitors.  However, with deep consideration, I would love to be visited by some of the characters from the Imaginarium Geographica series by James A. Owen. Though if I would choose one, I would choose Tummler. I just love that little badger and would love to see him light up as I take him on an adventure in our present day world.

5. Dressing up in costume- what character would you want to be for a day?

There are a lot of characters that I would love to be for a day. Many of them, you would discover are very strong female characters like Professor McGonagle and Agnieszka. Mainly, I just want to be a powerful female with magical abilities.

6. Wizards and witches- what is your favorite Harry Potter moment?

I have two favorite moments in the series. The first is when Harry is connecting with Sirrus Black at the end of The Prisoner of Azkaban. I really love that scene and it is heartbreaking because Harry is given the opportunity to leave the Dursley’s and to live with a person that loves him. My second favorite scene is when Professor McGonagle tells Peeves to turn the bolts the other way. The line, “It’s the other way Peeves.” was just as shocking to me as it was to Harry in the middle of the fifth book. This was the scene that redeemed the fifth book. I was so upset when it was not in the movie.

7. Blood and gore- what book was so creepy that you had to take a break from it for awhile?

To tell you the truth I did not take a large break from this book, but I did have to modify when I could read the book since it did affect me that much. The book that I am talking about is The Call. Even though that book is good, it is still bloody and gory. There are parts of that book that will give your nightmares’ nightmares.

There is one book that I am currently taking a break from. That is the Titanic Young Survivors Stories. That book is just too depressing.

That is the end of the book tag. I do hope that everyone is having a fun, safe, and dry Halloween.

Until next time. Happy reading!

The Ruler of Books Book Tag

I kind of wanted to split up my posts with a little book tag. I have been seeing this tag all over booktube and it sounds like so much fun. The tag was created by Ariel Bissette. You can click on the link, and check out that video if you want to before you continue on reading my answers for the book tag.

If you were the Ruler of Books…
1/ What book would you make everyone read?

I spent some time thinking about this and decided that the world could use some feel good books, especially feel good books with some compassion. I was not able to narrow it down to one book but three. I would love the world to read Wonder by R.J. Palacio, Out of my Mind by Shannon M. Draper and Fish in a Tree by Lynda Mullaly Hunt. Each book focuses on a child who is a little different from the rest and how affecting and expanding their world can affect and expand others.
2/ What would you abolish in book construction?

It might not be abolished, but I would like the ability to get dusk jackets of a book. I know that some readers out there in the community cannot stand having different book covers for a series, especially if it is midway of a series. They would like some form of commitment and the covers to all look uniform. (It does make a difference when you are organizing your shelf). I am saying that we should have the ability to buy new dusk jackets and decide which cover we want, even if it is an ebook.
3/ What author would you commission to write you any book?

I am also not sure which author I would choose to commission to write a book. However, after much thought, I believe I would love to read another Cherie Priest book. I truly enjoyed her writing in I Am Princess X, and wish to read more of her works.
4/ What book would you demote to the library basement to make room for new books?

I have several books that I would demote to the library basement to make room for new books. Let’s face it, why waste all that perfectly good space? To name a few I would love to demote Geek Charming by Robin Palmer and Perfectly Dateless by Kristin Billerbeck. Geek Charming was not at all charming. I was not even able to finish the book. I found our main character to conceited and annoying. For Perfectly Dateless it was the lack of self-determination. I loved who our character was at the beginning of the book. She was determined to be a scientist while her parents wanted her to be a pastor’s wife. However, by the end of the book, she was starting to agree with her parents and thought that their life plan for her was the best option for her life. I was so upset at the end of the book that I decided to never finished the series.
5/ What cover artist would you commission to make a mural?

I know that this person is an author, but he does do artwork for children’s book. I also imagine that he also design the cover of his books as well. The person that I am talking about is David Weisner. I love his artwork, especially in his book Tuesday. His artwork is both breath-taking and fun.
6/ What characters face would you put on a coin?

I know that this might be a cheap shot, but I don’t want any characters to be presented on a coin. To do so, I believe that we will not be representing everyone (whether it’s religion, ethnicity, or gender). I believe that it is best to put places, ideal (peace), or objects that are representative of everything. For example, lets put a spiderweb on a coin to represent the stories of Anansi and the people of West Africa.
7/ What book would you award the “Ruler of Books” 2016 Prize to?

First of all, I am going to be keeping the “Ruler of Book” award to books that I have read in 2016. In addition, I know that this will be a bit early. We are not done with 2016 and have several more months and books to complete before it is 2017. However, at this point in time, I believe that the winner of the “Ruler of Book 2016” goes to More Than This by Patrick Ness. I enjoyed this book thoroughly. It was one of my best reads duringng the Booktubeathon.

The Character Book Tag

It is time for another tag post! This one, as you can tell by its title, is about the characters we have read and love(or hate). I saw it on Regan’s channel PurseProject and thought this would be fun. So let’s begin.

The Questions:
1. Who is the best kick-ass character?

Celaena Sardothien from Throne of Glass. She is an assassin as well as a girly girl, who owns who it. I love how proud she is of herself, as well as being both physically and mentally strong. She is not afraid to ask questions and prefers doing what is right.
2. Which character do you most dislike?

Oh…. Where do I begin? I somehow have a list of characters that I dislike, and amazingly they are all pretty high up there on the dislike list. Let me just list some of those characters for you.

a)Professor Umbridge from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Not only do I hate this character, but this is a shared hatred with millions of other people both real and fictional. You know it is big when you have characters help another hated and despised character do harm onto this one.

b)Dr. Caldwell from The Girl With All The Gifts.  I said it before, and I will say it again, I don’t see how this person could be the world’s most smartest mind with all the stupid choices she has made throughout the book.

c) Daisy Crispin from Perfectly Dateless. She is the main character of this book, and the main reason why I gave this book such a low rating. She started off with so much potential and strength and lost it all in the end.

d) The King of Adarlan (Don’t Know his name) from Throne of Glass. Let us just call him the king that must die. He is so desperate for power that he is willing to kill off his own subjects and children to gain more power. In addition, this guy makes rules and purposely breaks his own rules. What kind of a leader is he?
3. If you could date any fictional character who would it be and why?

James “Jem” Carstairs from The Clockwork Angel. Jem is very sweet and gentle and was welcoming to Theresa.
4. If you could change a character in any way what would it be?

Aaron Tyler from Trouble. The one thing that I would love to change would be his courage to tell his best friend what really happened that afternoon when everything went down. I would also love it if Aaron realizes that the situation was not his fault.
5. What character to you made all the wrong choices that didn’t add anything to the book?

Aouda from Around the World in 80 Days. The chick did nothing in the book for the exception of being rescued and saying yes to Mr. Fogg’s proposal. The most useless character in all of history.
6. Which character was the best villain whom you love to hate?

Lilith from the Circle Trilogy. If the lady wasn’t just plain evil, have a desire to suck my blood, or just place me as her lowly servant, I would label her as a kick-ass character. She is really good at planning, fighting, and standing up to what she believes in. In addition, she is really good at caring about others in her own way. It is a little sad that she seems a little psychotic.
7. A favorite side-kick character with the most heart?

Brynn from the 80AD series. I love this character! What makes him a great sidekick is the fact that he is not perfect. He is a thief, he tends to lie and cheat, but he is lovable and hilarious. His sense of humor and heart makes him a great pair with Pheniox.
8. What is your favorite fictional romantic relationship?

Jack and Hazel from The Darkest Part of the Forest. I loved the relationship that these two have, and how they bonded over time.
9. What character did you think was the strongest?

Liz Taylor from Just Like Elizabeth Taylor. This girl is not strong physically but has strength in courage. For her to admit a situation and just leave is huge. On top of that, she helps other as well as keeping her best friend safe. It took a lot of courage for her to change her environment.
10. Best protagonist?

Picking your favorite main character is like picking your favorite book. I do not have a favorite main character. However to pick one, I would choose Annabeth Chase from Percy Jackson and the Olympians, The Heroes of Olympus, and The Percy Jackson and Kane Chronicles Crossover. I love how smart she, and isn’t afraid of danger. She gets in there and tries to fix a problem.

I do hope that you have enjoyed this tag. This tag was a bit harder to do, but I enjoyed the challenge. See you next time and happy reading!

Feelings Matter Book Tag

I thought of doing another tag. It seemed something that would be fun and easy to do. However, I want to make it challenging by making sure that I do not repeat any of the books from one question to the next. So let’s begin!

Tag questions:

  1. What book made you feel confident, either about yourself or your life?

Right now, because I have finished reading it, I would say F This Test by Richard Benson. I enjoyed seeing all the possible wrong answers that students give and being able to correctly answer some of them. It is a great confidence boost.

  1. What book made you feel sympathetic or sympathise greatly with the characters?

The book that made me feel great sympathy with the character is The Color of My Words by Lynn Joseph. Lynn Joseph did an amazing job with the main character Ana Rose, and getting you to feel upset at the same moments that Ana Rose was.  In addition, there were moments of time in which I wished I could go into the book and comfort Ana Rose and tell her that all will be all right.

  1. What book made you feel anxious?

There are a couple of books that have made me nervous while I was reading them.  I cannot choose between The Clockwork Scarab by Colleen Gleason and Unenchanted by Chanda Hahn. In one way there was a lot of suspense as to what was going to happen next, and how were these events going to affect our characters. The ending of both book, had the most suspense and made me anxious as to what will happen next. In all, I enjoyed both of these books, and the suspense that they gave.

  1. What book made you feel annoyed?

The Dairy of Darcy J. Rhone by Emily Griffin was really annoying. I found the character very shallow and hard to like. There were moments that I just wanted to put the book down and forget about it.

  1. What book made you feel disappointed?

Perfectly Dateless by Kristen Billerbeck.  I was so disappointed with how this book ended. The main character started as a strong independent young woman who knew what she wanted and the book ended with her agreeing with her parents dream for her future. I was not only disappointed, I was angry! This was the first book I gave a book such a low rating.

  1. What book made you feel confused?

New Moon Summer by S.M.Reine. This book could fit the last question, but I am placing it here because I was confused as to what happened to our characters from the original Seasons of the Moon series to the Cain Chronicles. I was confused as to what happened to create this drastic change between the two series. I also felt as though we were regrowing the characters back into their old selves.  This change of character’s mannerisms, confused me so much, that I was disappointed in the book.

  1. What book made you feel satisfied?

Recently, It is I Killed the Mockingbird by Paula Acampora. I really loved this book and enjoyed it immensely. I was even satisfied with the ending in how everything work out.

The other book that made me feel satisfied is Inkheart by Cornelia Funke.  I must say that it is a long book with very fine font. There were moments that I realized that I spent hours reading the book, and I did not move anywhere. I was so glad when I was finally able finish the book. I felt as though I accomplished so much, just by finishing the book.

  1. What book made you feel like you could really relate to the main character?

Lizzie from Lovestruck in London by Rachel Schurig. Lizzie and I have a lot of the same mannerisms when it comes to school and family, such as needing to please people and having to do well in school. However, we are different in the majors that we enjoy studying.  

I do hope that you enjoyed the tag as much as I enjoyed making it. I do hope that your weekend went amazing and that you enjoyed your many adventures. Happy Reading!