The Character Book Tag

It is time for another tag post! This one, as you can tell by its title, is about the characters we have read and love(or hate). I saw it on Regan’s channel PurseProject and thought this would be fun. So let’s begin.

The Questions:
1. Who is the best kick-ass character?

Celaena Sardothien from Throne of Glass. She is an assassin as well as a girly girl, who owns who it. I love how proud she is of herself, as well as being both physically and mentally strong. She is not afraid to ask questions and prefers doing what is right.
2. Which character do you most dislike?

Oh…. Where do I begin? I somehow have a list of characters that I dislike, and amazingly they are all pretty high up there on the dislike list. Let me just list some of those characters for you.

a)Professor Umbridge from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Not only do I hate this character, but this is a shared hatred with millions of other people both real and fictional. You know it is big when you have characters help another hated and despised character do harm onto this one.

b)Dr. Caldwell from The Girl With All The Gifts.  I said it before, and I will say it again, I don’t see how this person could be the world’s most smartest mind with all the stupid choices she has made throughout the book.

c) Daisy Crispin from Perfectly Dateless. She is the main character of this book, and the main reason why I gave this book such a low rating. She started off with so much potential and strength and lost it all in the end.

d) The King of Adarlan (Don’t Know his name) from Throne of Glass. Let us just call him the king that must die. He is so desperate for power that he is willing to kill off his own subjects and children to gain more power. In addition, this guy makes rules and purposely breaks his own rules. What kind of a leader is he?
3. If you could date any fictional character who would it be and why?

James “Jem” Carstairs from The Clockwork Angel. Jem is very sweet and gentle and was welcoming to Theresa.
4. If you could change a character in any way what would it be?

Aaron Tyler from Trouble. The one thing that I would love to change would be his courage to tell his best friend what really happened that afternoon when everything went down. I would also love it if Aaron realizes that the situation was not his fault.
5. What character to you made all the wrong choices that didn’t add anything to the book?

Aouda from Around the World in 80 Days. The chick did nothing in the book for the exception of being rescued and saying yes to Mr. Fogg’s proposal. The most useless character in all of history.
6. Which character was the best villain whom you love to hate?

Lilith from the Circle Trilogy. If the lady wasn’t just plain evil, have a desire to suck my blood, or just place me as her lowly servant, I would label her as a kick-ass character. She is really good at planning, fighting, and standing up to what she believes in. In addition, she is really good at caring about others in her own way. It is a little sad that she seems a little psychotic.
7. A favorite side-kick character with the most heart?

Brynn from the 80AD series. I love this character! What makes him a great sidekick is the fact that he is not perfect. He is a thief, he tends to lie and cheat, but he is lovable and hilarious. His sense of humor and heart makes him a great pair with Pheniox.
8. What is your favorite fictional romantic relationship?

Jack and Hazel from The Darkest Part of the Forest. I loved the relationship that these two have, and how they bonded over time.
9. What character did you think was the strongest?

Liz Taylor from Just Like Elizabeth Taylor. This girl is not strong physically but has strength in courage. For her to admit a situation and just leave is huge. On top of that, she helps other as well as keeping her best friend safe. It took a lot of courage for her to change her environment.
10. Best protagonist?

Picking your favorite main character is like picking your favorite book. I do not have a favorite main character. However to pick one, I would choose Annabeth Chase from Percy Jackson and the Olympians, The Heroes of Olympus, and The Percy Jackson and Kane Chronicles Crossover. I love how smart she, and isn’t afraid of danger. She gets in there and tries to fix a problem.

I do hope that you have enjoyed this tag. This tag was a bit harder to do, but I enjoyed the challenge. See you next time and happy reading!

Just Like Elizabeth Taylor Review

I am looking forward to writing this review on Just Like Elizabeth Taylor, LuAnn Brobst Staheli. I was given the opportunity to read this book for an honest review by the author. It seemed really interesting, so I decided to try it out.

18072285Just Like Elizabeth Taylor is about a young girl who is tired of her home situation and the abuse that her and her mom goes through, so she decided to run away. Throughout the book, you get to see her growth in her time alone and the discovery of how to deal with the past as well as  dealing in the present and all the fears that it holds.

On Goodreads, I gave this book four out of five stars. If I was honest and could give out partial ratings, I would give the book 4.5 stars out of five. I really did enjoy the book, but I am a bit hesitant in sharing it. The topic that the book focuses on is one that I know not many people enjoy reading or has the potential to cause problems.

I know that in my previous reviews I usually write about my pros and cons for the book, however, I wanted to take some time to talk about the writing style. For me the writing style was both a pro and a con.

On one hand, I enjoyed the writing style. The style was done in a way of our character observing everything. For me it was fun and new, and I enjoyed the distance to what was happening in the story. However, I feel as though that type of writing would not be a thought process of a 12 year old girl, even if that girl has been abused by both the mother’s boyfriend and the boyfriend’s son for 3 years. I felt it was a little to mature at time. I must admit that I do not have the experience of working with 12 year olds with that kind of trauma. I figured that they would be a bit more mature, but not enough to have an adult mindset at times.

Beyond my half con for the writing style, I only had one problem with the book. The only problem that I had was that it was slow and hard to get into. I must admit, I usually don’t read books with this kind of content, and therefore it was hard to see the abuse and the pain.  However, I will also admit that it is needed and does a lot for the story to show the growth that the girl has made throughout the book. I will tell you, that once the girl runs away, the book is much easier read.

There are three things that I truly love about this book. The first thing that I enjoyed was the main character, as well as her thought process. It was great to see her perspective and history and it gave you a chance to bond with her as well as wanting to help her. It really helped you become immersed with the story and wanting to know what will happened next. The second thing that I enjoyed was the power of connections throughout the story. Staheli really showed the power of helping other people and how one act of kindness can inspire more. Finally I enjoyed the themes of accepting help and heroes. In the beginning this girl was told to wait for her hero, her hero will save her. When she ran away, everyone then kept telling her that it is okay to be saved by the hero, meaning that it is okay to accept help. However, our main character decided that there are time in which it is okay to save and to accept help, but it is more important us to be our own heroes and to save ourselves.

I would love to recommend this book to everyone! The story is only 123 pages long, it is a great quick read, and you will enjoy the growth of our main character. However, as you can tell with this review, there are several trigger warnings, all of them focusing on the different types of abuse that this girl went through. Please check with yourself before reading this book. I don’t want you to be in harm, or cause harm to yourself.

I do hope that you enjoyed this book review. I cannot believe that it is March already. I do hope that you are enjoying your adventures. See you next time and Happy Reading!