Book Recommendations!

Super Bookworm

Please help. I realize that I need book recommendations to complete my TBR Jar Challenge for this year. Please provide me with a book and an author. I do have a preference between fantasy and young adult. I will take in recommendation between now and June 17th. After that, I will make a poll where you will be able to pick the book that I will read as a recommendation. Thank you so much for your help.

Book Recommendations

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May wrap-up and June TBR

Sadly, May was not my month. I just did not feel like reading. I ended up reading four books. I am hoping to complete some more within the last few hours of May. May has just been a very interesting month, I have been busy trying to get ready for the end of the school year and transitioning from school year to summer.

Now onto Junes TBR. I realize that I have a few books that I forgot to put on my TBR list for last month. There are traditionally six books that I reread every year at this time. It started my sophomore year of college when I had nothing to do between finals and graduation. However, ever since I started that little tradition, I have discovered that it had been hard to read anything when I do not reread these book. There are two books that I need to read and are due for review by the end of the first week in June.

  1. The Circle Trilogy by Nora Roberts
    1. Morrigan’s Cross
    2. Dance of the Gods
    3. Valley of Silence
  2. The Three Sisters Island Trilogy by Nora Roberts
    1. Dance Upon the Air
    2. Heaven and Earth
    3. Face the Fire
  3. The Number Games by Rebecca Rode
  4. Dream a Little Dream by Kerstin Gier
  5. Death Wish by Megan Tayte

In addition, I also signed up for my town’s summer reading program. Usually, their reading program is for elementary and middle school kids, but I am excited that they have decided to create an adult summer program. In addition, I have also read three books since signing up.

I do hope that everyone’s summer will be amazing and fun. Happy Reading!

Book Recommendations!

Please help. I realize that I need book recommendations to complete my TBR Jar Challenge for this year. Please provide me with a book and an author. I do have a preference between fantasy and young adult. I will take in recommendation between now and June 17th. After that, I will make a poll where you will be able to pick the book that I will read as a recommendation. Thank you so much for your help.

Book Recommendations

May update 2015

I know it has been a while since I have made an update. Sadly, for a month I went without a computer, waiting for it to get fixed. I tried other alternatives for updating my posts, such as using my Nook or my phone. but the screens were too small, and it just frustrated me to type up what I wanted to say.

Though, don’t worry. I have plans to make it all up. I have several reviews, and a few book tags that I am looking forward to be doing this week as well as next week. Though, that is not what I am going to talk about today. As promised, I am going to talk about what happened to my computer.

About a month ago, my computer crashed and refused to boot. As much as I tried, I was not able to get to the window screen to get onto my computer. To make it worse, I ended up needing my computer for the next day for a training for work. Let’s just say the 9pm panic was starting to set in, and I could not see why my computer could have decided to crash earlier or at a more convenient time.

The following day, I took my computer to Best Buy where they told me that my computer’s hard drive died beyond repair and that they would need to replace it. Realizing that I had not done a back up in a while, I asked if they could do the backup for me. They were able to say yes, and I paid the $88 for the backup. A few days later, I got the external hard drive back and discovered that the backup did not work. Which was upsetting, because I needed the information on the backup in order to pay my bills.

Best Buy ended up ordering the computer back, and having to redo the backup. It was discovered that the hard drive was so bad that it was activating its own kill switch while on, so they had to put my computer in the freezer to do the backup. This process was what took forever. Almost a month. So long that Best Buy ended up replacing the hard drive at the location instead of sending it back to the warehouse to get fixed.

In the end, I finally got a hold of my laptop on Friday and sadly on Sunday it decided to shut itself off and not turn itself back on. I was a little disappointed. I spent so much time waiting for my laptop, and I was just getting use to using it. Luckily on Monday morning, it was just the battery overcharging itself and it was able to work.

That my dear friends is the story of my laptop and all of its problems. Now that it is fixed, I am looking forward to all of the posts that I will be making this week. I do hope that you month had been great, and that you had lots of adventures along the way. See you soon.

Blogging 101- prompt 16

Today’s Prompt: Imagine you had a job in which you had to sift through forgotten or lost belongings. Describe a day in which you come upon something peculiar, or tell a story about something interesting you find in a pile.

An object in the masses

Broken and unloved
For the time
Until it’s needed or missed

Who do you belong to?
What happened?
Where did you go?
When did you get lost?
How did you become forgotten?

This object

You are found
You are loved
You are home
Welcome home.

April wrap up and May Tbr.

I first want to appologize for any errors on my wrap up and Tbr.  I am still learning how to use my ereader as a tablet to make posts.  My computer died on the 28th of April, and it was discovered the following day that my hard drive died.  It has been an interesting experience since the 28th. When I get my computer back, I will tell it to you.

April was a good month.  I did not count any of the children’s book that I have read, since I knew I would not be writing reviews. However, I have read a total of five book in April.  I almost complete six, however I was about 50-80 pages away from finishing the Infernal Devises book 1. I did finish Clockwork Angel yesterday. In all, I am proud that I almost completed my TBR list for April.

Moving onto May.  The challenge that I received this month was to reread a favorite book. I have decided to reread the HarryPotter and The Prisoner of Azkaban. I finally got a hold of the book, and I am hoping to read it very soon. With that in mind, let’s begin with the list.

1) Harry Potter book 3 by J.K.Rowling.
2) Looking for Alaska by John Green.
3) Grift by Jason Mosbram
4) Love and Muddy Puddles by Cecily Anne Paterson
5) Adentures of Funeral Crashing by Milda Harris
6) The Watergate Travelers by Daniel Waltz

I do hope that your weekend went perfectly. I will try to keep up with my posting, and hopefully things will get better soon.  Thank you and happy reading.